Reclaiming My Creativity ... AGAIN
This past March, I ran across a blog post on Skinny Artist titled The Myth of the Full-Time Creative Artist. This post talked about how we can use "not having enough time" as an excuse to not do anything creative in a given day. How we put things off waiting... and waiting... until we have the right amount of time to get started on the creative ideas that are bouncing around in our heads. This post reminded me that some days I may not be able to spend hours in the studio painting as much as my heart desires, but I could still commit to spend at least 10 minutes a day to doing something creative.
So I made the commitment and not secretly to myself. I posted on my artist Facebook page that I committed to being creative at least 10 minutes a day no matter how busy life became. For a while, I was doing great. I made posts to Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram of thoughts, things that inspired me, whatever art I was working on at the time, and doodles that I did on my artsy envelopes.
artsy envelopes
Then life started to overtake my intentions. Instead of creating art, I was finishing a thesis, tending to my family and responsibilities, and sometimes losing days at a time trying to deal with debilitating chronic migraines. Yet still, I have thought back to this blog post and the commitment I had made. Even though not much can be done in 10 minutes, if that's the most time that I have on a given day, it is enough to start getting out some ideas that have spent too much time in my head. It is, at the least, a step forward in progressing with my ideas and making more room in my head for others.
Even though life sometimes knocks me off my track, I will get back on it. Like right now. I'm reclaiming my creativity... again.
What are ways that you are able to stay creative amidst the hustle and bustle of life?